DIY with KomboGrass™

DIY can be overwhelming
Sometimes we want to take on a big project, it can save thousands of dollars, provide a lot of BBQ conversation and great brownie points amongst friends and family. But if you get something wrong, if you have friends like ours, they will point it out in a heartbeat, spoiling your moment of glory.
This is where our DIY with KomboGrass™ comes in. We literally help you every step of the way using the experience and knowledge we have gained for over a decade in completing no-sand infill artificial lawns. For a few hundred dollars you can be creating your own masterpiece without the risk and heartache – and look like a champion (no one else needs to know you got some professional help from us). Everything you need to know is supplied with full Bill of Material list so you can confidently get started.
DIY with KomboGrass™
Over the years we have helped hundreds of our clients to professionally install our no-infill artificial grass. What we have found is that all DIYers ask very similar questions and although we explain clearly what is needed, mistakes still happen because nodding your head doesn't always mean you actually understood.
To avoid mistakes for the DIYer we have developed a complete step-by-step guide covering everything you need to know and do from the time you decide on the area you want to transform, to where you start and how to estimate materials required.
We are with you every step of the way and provide tools, plans and guides to avoid costly (and embarrassing mistakes). If you want to save potentially thousands of dollars and are comfortable following step-by-step instructions why not enquire today about our DIY with KomboGrass™ program.

What are you waiting for?
You are just one call away from saving thousands of dollars, from just $300 you can be starting your artificial grass project this weekend.
• Detailed site plan
• Grass cut to length
• Complete materials list
• Customised Step-by-Step guide
· Telephone support
Design & Installation Maintenance & Repair DIY with Kombograss™